Celebration Cakes

Got a celebration? Cake Box has something for every special occasion, from birthday cakes for everyone, cakes for special occasions throughout the year, be it valentines, Eid, Christmas, or Easter. We have something for every party, big or small. You will find cakes in different shapes (round, square, heart, number), sizes from small celebration cakes to gigantic feast worthy cakes. One thing is guaranteed with a Cake Box cake is quality. All of our cakes are freshly hand made in your local store. We only use our special egg-free recipe and fresh cream. When it comes to adding a personal touch to your celebration cake, we've got it covered. Most of our cakes come with a hand-piped personal message, or even a photograph. Most of our customers prefer to collect the cake in one of our 200+ stores nationwide. But if you are looking for delivery, then we have got this covered too. Our cakes come in a variety of flavours and designs. You may be looking for a deluxe chocolate cake, or even a coconut, caramel or cookie cake. We have over 200 for you to choose from. If you have a speical celebration you can rely on a Cake Box cake for a magical centrepiece and a wonderfully delicious slice for everyone.

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Celebration Cakes

Celebration Cakes



Mango Collection

Mango Collection

Baby Shower

Baby Shower

Birthday Cake | Personalised Birthday Cakes | Celebration Cakes

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